6. sep. 2010

Meet the family!

Bambi and her babies

Bambi and her babies

Bambi and her babies

Tha gang

Bambi is already showing to be a great mum, taking the best care of her little babes. For the rest of the day we will have a bit of a rest and of course now you can look forward to many pictures ans small reports of the ones again, growing family!

2 kommentarer

Jenny sagde ...

Men gud såååå underbara :) Bambi ser väldigt stolt ut!
Skönt att det verkar gått bra med valpningen och att alla mår bra!
Ser fram emot dagliga rapporter ;)

Kramar till allihopa, tvåbenta som fyrbenta!

Amanda Inman sagde ...

Congratulations to the sweet family! A big hug to the new babies and a kiss to each one. They look healthy and beautiful. Kim and Anna -- what a wonderful litter.

Best wishes from the USA,
Amanda (and Delaney)